Our Story


The story of our farm started in 1938 when my (Kelly) great-grandparents bought a farm. Passed down through several generations, we moved to the farm in 2016.

We definitely had our work cut out for us. We spent the next 2 years salvaging materials from the existing structures while simultaneously building a home and barn. Blessed with a lower field of fantastic soil (thanks great-grandpa), we made our first garden area.

In 2018, my youngest son wanted to make a few dollars and came up with the idea of selling zinnias from my garden. We posted online a picture of his sweet face holding a bucket of zinnias. The next day we woke up with 40 orders. He quickly called it quits while I fell in love with the idea of growing fields of flowers. Thus, Slater Road Farm was born and so was my obsession with growing things.
